About Us


About Us - Uraku Kashi

100% Handmade, 100% Natural, 100% Eco-Friendly

Uraku Kashi is a dream in the making. A dream that was born out of the desire to exalt the artisan creations of our native ethnic groups in Colombia. 

We do so by making their creations available to the world in a platform of the highest quality, at competitive prices without taking away from the value of their work.

We are a nation with a rich and beautiful culture filled with traditions and diverse and colorful population with unrivaled talent.

It is from one of these beautiful places that we start our journey and make this project a reality. La Guajira, Colombia, meeting and reference point to some of our roots and from where the recognizable Wayuu Mochila originates; known for its vibrant colors as well as well as its beautiful and meticulous weaving that once finished, becomes into a unique jewel worthy of praise and admiration.

We aspire to be exemplary ambassadors of past traditions that are passed down from generation to generation through archived stories, not the kind you see in history books, but instead, stories kept in the memories and hearts of their elders.